Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Day

April 30th

Many individuals with Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD) require continual and frequent blood transfusions starting from the very first days of life. We chose April 30 specifically to both celebrate and demonstrate the lifespan of a healthy red blood cell, which is 120 days on average, and April 30 is the 120th day of the year. In addition, the bone marrow produces approximately 120 million red blood cells in just one minute. Conversely, red blood cells from patients with PK Deficiency only last from a few days to 2-8 weeks. On April 30, we would like to show gratitude to those who have directly impacted the quality of life by donating blood for those with PKD and would like to provide a better understanding of how important their contribution is.

Meet Our Mascot

The White Monarch (nivosus)

The beautiful and rare White Monarch and those with PKD share some of the same characteristics.

Click on the link below to find out more.

Our Ribbon

An ombre’ of blues that exemplify, using our representative colors, the varying levels of hemoglobin that those with PKD live with. Our mascot flourishes at the darkest end of the ribbon representing that, when hemoglobin is highest, we feel our best.